
Hearse Service Options

These options are only available for hearses.

  • Pass through hearses
    Only available for hearses. Remove these vehicles from grid when stopped so traffic can pass.

Standard Service options

These options works the same as for other service vehicles.

  • Dispatch hearses:
    Handle dispatching for these service vehicles.

  • Dispatch by district:
    All buildings in the same district as a service building are considered to be in it’s range.

  • Dispatch by building range:
    All buildings within a certain distance from a service building are considered to be in it’s range. The distance is a property of the building asset. (But can also be adjusted with the Service Radius Adjuster mod.)

  • Send out spare hearses:
    When to send out new vehicles from the service building instead of sending one that’s already driving.
    See Sending Out Spare Vehicles.

  • Hearse dispatch strategy:
    Choose the dispatch strategy to use for these vehicles.
    See Dispatch Strategies.

  • Closest services to use when ignoring range:
    Only uses the specified number of service buildings closest to the target building when ignoring whether buildings are in range or not.

  • Custom dispatch strategy
    The rules used for the custom dispatch strategy.
    See Custom Dispatch Strategy Rules.

If both Dispatch by district and Dispatch by building range are selected, a building is considered in range if it is either in the same district as, or within the coverage radius of, the service building.

Cemetery Options

These options controls if/when the dispatcher orders emptying of cemeteries.

  • Empty cemeteries:
    Handle emptying for these facilities.

  • Start emptying at %:
    Start emptying the facility the more than this amount of space is used.

  • Stop emptying at %:
    Stop emptying the facility when less than this amount of space is used.

The dispatcher does not control how the facilitie’s vehicles are used when emptying, nor to which it empties.